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Work Packages


Work Package 1

Dissemination and Training

The principal purpose of this work package is the promotion of the INSTINCT cross-over service concept of digital broadcast and mobile communication (e.g. of DVB-T and UMTS). Work package 1 will disseminate all findings and results of the INSTINCT project through inputs to standardisation bodies, professional associations and via pertinent presentations at international symposia and trade fairs. Furthermore the aim of the work package is to create a training scheme for the INSTINCT concept to inform users and operators alike.

These objectives lead to three main tasks within the work package:

Task 1.1: Liaison to standardisation bodies

Based on the results of the INSTINCT project, relevant issues for possible new standards and/or extensions to existing standards will be identified and proposed. The main target groups for standardisation are without doubt the various ad-hoc and working groups of the DVB Commercial and Technical Modules (DVB-CM and DVB-TM). Pertinent inputs will be forwarded to these organisations after careful validation of the INSTINCT system in laboratory and field tests.
The project brings together partners across industry sectors that jointly are able to make a very broad input to European standardisation and regulation initiatives. The consortium partners are experienced in international standardisation work (both for technical and frequency issues) and are well represented in all international initiatives and standardisation bodies relevant for the INSTINCT project. In this context a strong link to the DVB-H and DVB-CBMS group is envisaged that explicitly aims to propose a new DVB framework for mobile terrestrial broadcast. Other related bodies include the DVB-MHP group, as well as DVB groups dealing with Generic Data Broadcasting & Service Information Protocols (DVB-GBS), IP Infrastructure (DVB-IPI) and Measurement (DVB-MG).

Task 1.2: Dissemination

The project will follow a permanent dissemination strategy to inform broadcaster operators, the industry, content creators and of course the public about the concept and ideas of the project, results and findings and INSTINCT developments. The dissemination work includes:

  • Representation of the project at international scientific and technical symposia such as IST summits.
  • Organisation of workshops, seminars and trade fare presentations / demonstrations.
    So far it is envisaged to attend IBC 2005, 3GSM World Congress, IFA 2005 and Net@Home.
  • Public Relations respectively publication of INSTINCT papers.


Task 1.3: Training

This task deals with the transfer of the INSTINCT results about the "cross-over service concept" to the (professional) users and operators all over the world but primarily in Europe and in Brazil.
Task 1.3 will lay the basis for the INSTINCT training actions to be held primarily in the second phase of the project. The training scheme and the training scheme guidebook will be developed in phase one of the project.
The current activities of the project in terms of dissemination can be found in the category News. Furthermore it is possible to download public documents and deliverables under Public Docs.