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Work Packages


Work Package 2

ECO-System Aspects

INSTINCT services are at the crossroads of TV and Telco (Web) user experience and related business model, built by merging already existing applications and delivery modes from Telco and broadcast worlds in a novel set of converging services, offered to the customers on a portable receiver.

WP2 aims at providing a comprehensive vision and related guidelines on the following "Eco-System" aspects:
- User acceptance
- Services scenarios
- Architecture and network dimensioning
- A set of relevant business models
- The Brazilian contribution to INSTINCT gives wider and improved insights by expanding the "Eco system" landscape to include the Latin American context

This work package is broken down into five tasks:

2.1 Humans factors

The user acceptability -- human factor – is a condition of a new service success, both from the service point-of view itself, but also from the terminal (human interface) acceptability aspect. It is being studied in the project, both to provide guidelines for deriving early technical requirements and new service scenarios and, later, to obtain user validation on targeted service scenarios. The job is organised as follow:

  • Creation of a list of research questions based on the requirements of T2.2
  • Making of illustrations of the scenarios: Mocking up of the scenarios
  • Design of the user’s study (scenario-based user requirements gathering using interviews):

2.2 Reference scenario and INSTINCT services

Developing reference scenarios and related services is a key point in the project in order to produce requirements for the other WPs. Two main scenarios have been described, one for a Telco driven business model, and the second for a Broadcast driven one. A third scenario, based on a services driven model (virtual broadcast and Telco operators) will be investigated.

INSTINCT services are selected from any combination of "pushed" services together with interactive Telco "point-to-point" ones (e.g. from mobile interactive TV to "on demand" broadcast of alert messages, combined with any mobile multimedia interactive Telco service). A basic idea is to make existing broadcaster content, originating from a set of different sources, available through (new) mobile radio channels and to enrich basic broadcast services with novel interactive features provided by cellular radio communication networks (SMS, www portal, alert messages, custom pushed information…), conversely original point-to-point web based mobile services will be enriched by the addition of broadcast services (streamed our downloaded).

Derived from the services scenarios, an INSTINCT service list will be produced, in which the services will be ranked according to their planned used in the INSTINCT project in terms of business modelling, human factor and user's acceptance analysis and, finally INSTINCT demo implementation and demonstration.

2.3 System architecture and dimensioning

Directly related to the service scenarios system architecture and dimensioning is being produced within this WP2. To achieve quick service-driven guidance for other WP, overall service architecture and system aspects has been derived from in-depth analysis of former IST projects (CISMUNDUS, CONFLUENT, SAVANT). Then analysis of relevant standardised interfaces (from the Telco and broadcast world) and elaborating on service requirements and dimensioning are leading to the production of a more detailed overall architecture and system aspects description and technical requirement document.
Related to that task, as an early deliverable, a "dependency list" against WP3 (services), WP5 (terminal) and 7 (network) has been produced in order to validate the early service selection proposed on T2.2.

2.4 Business Modelling

Related business drivers (market, regulatory, business modelling and techno-economical aspects) will be studied in order to assess the practical viability of the services scenarios produced.
Early business, regulatory and market requirements will first be taken into account to focus service scenario brainstorming. Then Business drivers will allow pragmatic evaluation and economical validation of derived platform architecture and service scenarios.
Two main business models will be addressed in this task. One based on a Telco-driven model and the second based on Broadcast driven model. A third business model based on a "service-driven" approach will be investigated in T2.5.

2.5 Services scenario and Business Modelling in Latin America

This task aims at providing a broad perspective of non-European scenarios for implementing Instinct with a global view. Brazilian market will be studied for being the most representative country in Latin America region. Brazilian requirements will contribute for interface development, service and content creation tools and flexible demonstration platforms.
Business models suitable to social and economic Brazilian consumer profile will be proposed by CERTI as an representation of Latin America and an example outside Europe, characterizing the value chain and the opportunities and barriers for DVB in Brazil and its convergence with wireless services.
Potential business impacts for Brazilian market will be assessed, by mapping the industry for producing applications, services and multimedia content in Brazil (e.g software for cellular/set top box…).


2.6 Focus group and public participation and awareness (Brazil)

The benefits and potential of Instinct will be presented to the public through an innovative and interactive environment specially designed for focus group study in order to evaluate human factors, new services acceptance and its potential and barriers. This will also be very instrumental for raising public participation and awareness and to attract the audience.
Applying a human centred design, this task will considered ergonomics, usability, information design, cultural and social aspects and language, offering a pervasive natural way of interacting with Instinct’s services.
The technology involved will be presented in a simple, intuitive and transparent way fostering different eclectic groups such as girls, senior people, and also contributing to minimize the digital divide.